Key Learning Outcomes

The journey in obtaining my Master of Arts in Communications with the Knight School of Communication at Queens University of Charlotte has been fulfilling, challenging, and uplifting.  The fulfillment aspect is derived in the knowledge gained from the courses which continue to assist me personally and professionally.  This journey challenged my perspectives in many areas of communication and made me aware of other areas of communication that I not yet experienced.  Also, this program drove me to improve my time management skills, work-school-life balance, and to become a better leader.  This experience has been uplifting because I felt fulfilled and challenged in these two years, which translated into my personal and professional lives.  I am excited to share with you the key learning outcomes to seven areas within the Master of Arts in Communication.  These areas are Theoretical literacy, Research literacy, Digital and Media literacy, Writing literacy, Ethical consideration, Global awareness, and Integrate theory and content learning.
